Upcoming Events

Check out some upcoming events here at The Mission!

A Worship Night
The Well

Join us for The Well - A Night of Worship, on January 26th at 7 pm in the Hangar. These worship nights are about intentionally ministering to our beloved, almighty God. We invite you to come and encounter His presence as we worship together.

Empowered Women

Ladies, mark your calendars and join us for Empowered Women Service taking place on Saturday, February 1st at 10am in the Hanger at the Mission.

Empowered Women is a gathering of women from all over the Bay Area who come together to worship, prophetic encounters and to receive an encouraging word. Our desire is to create opportunities for women to be empowered through kingdom identity, to connect to God, to one another, their communities, and the world; to share and learn from one another and to experience the diversity and richness of women connecting with other women. To champion and celebrate what God is releasing in and through women as influencers in the region and the world!

Membership Meeting

Mark your calendars! Our Annual Membership Meeting will be taking place on Sunday, February 23rd immediately following service. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting and all Mission Members are strongly encouraged to attend to celebrate what God has done!